Cancellation of ALTER Conference 2020 (EHESP Public School of Health, Rennes, France, 8-9 & 10 July 2020)

Information regarding coronovirus pandemic
(from 8 April 2020)

Dear All,

We regretfully have to inform you that the 2020 ALTER Conference initially scheduled from 8th to 10th July 2020 in Rennes (France) is cancelled. Indeed, it seems unlikely that at these specific dates, the restrictions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic will be completely dissipated in every country around the globe.

We plan to hold the 9th ALTER Conference in France next year, in 2021. Dates and locations to be announced.

The conference’s themes will be retained so that the accepted abstracts could be presented again. Moreover, a new call for proposals may complete the one of 2020.

We hope that you and those you hold dear are feeling well.

We will get back to you as soon as possible with more information.

Best regards,
The organising committee of the 9th ALTER Conference



Disability, an operator to question norms ?

Alter Conference

EHESP, Rennes, 8-9 & 10 July 2020


This 9th conference aims to discuss the construction of normality and, more broadly, the system of thought that structures our societies in which being “able” is the norm in the sense of both the most widespread and the most desirable situation. The aim of this critical perspective is therefore to highlight how our societies are structured in relation to the notion of the able individual. While the recent call to build inclusive societies would appear to herald a radical turning point, what is the reality? Have we truly finished with representations of disability that tend towards the negative, the defective or even the tragic? To what extend are the “heroized” figures of disability, omnipresent in the public space, perpetrating the representation of disability as a deviation from the norm? Some researchers and activists refer to this dominant construction of norm and disability as the notion of ableism. How does the research contribute to this analysis of the norm(s) and how can we take it into account in the way we conduct our own researches?

This conference is directed at everyone involved in human and social science research on disability and the loss of autonomy: including work that addresses conceptional and organisational aspects of research, field research, scientific production, qualitative and quantitative methods, etc. Responses about all social fields are welcome (education, employment, culture and recreation, housing, transport, human and technical assistance, political participation, emotional and sexual life, etc.).

 Deadline for the call for proposals (.PDF here): 2 February 2020

To submit your proposal, click here.

Organizing committee

  • Bertrand Louis, EHESS, CEMS (FRE 2023-U1276)
  • Brégain Gildas, CNRS, CoRHASi, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Campeon Arnaud, EHESP, CoRHASI, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Cuenot Marie, EHESP, CoRHASi
  • Delourmel Véronique, EHESP
  • Fillion Emmanuelle, EHESP, CoRHASi, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Guevel Marie-Renée, EHESP, CoRHASi, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Godeau Emmanuelle, EHESP, CoRHASI, Inserm-SPHERE (UMR 1027), ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Jaffrès Fanny, EHESP, CoRHASi, Cresppa-LabToP (UMR 7217)
  • Mafféi Régine, EHESP
  • Moreau Delphine, EHESP, CoRHASi, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Payen Emeline, EHESP
  • Pierre Kerri-Anne, EHESP
  • Rapegno Noémie, EHESP, CoRHASi, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Roussel Pascale, EHESP, CoRHASi
  • Sopadzhiyan Alis, EHESP, CoRHASI, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Valdes Béatrice, EHESP, CoRHASi, ARENES (UMR 6051)
  • Ville Isabelle, EHESS and INSERM, CEMS (FRE 2023-U1276)

Scientific committee

  • Baar Monika, Leiden University, Netherlands
  • Baudot Pierre-Yves, Université Paris Dauphine, France
  • Bertrand Louis, EHESS, CEMS (FRE 2023-U1276)
  • Brégain Gildas, CNRS, France
  • Brulé Emeline, School of Engineering and Informatics of Sussex, United-Kingdom
  • Campéon Arnaud, EHESP, France
  • Cuenot Marie, EHESP, France
  • Dirringer Josepha, Université Rennes 1, IODE (UMR CNRS 6262), France
  • Fillion Emmanuelle, EHESP, France
  • Gardien Ève, Université Rennes 2, France
  • Godeau Emmanuelle, EHESP, France
  • Godrie Baptiste, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Guevel Marie-Renée, EHESP, France
  • Jaffrès Fanny, EHESP, France
  • Lejeune Aude, CNRS, France
  • Marcellini Anne, Université de Lausanne, Suisse
  • Mitra Sophie, Fordham University, USA
  • Moisdon-Chataigner Sylvie, Université Rennes 1, IODE (UMR CNRS 6262), France
  • Moreau Delphine, EHESP, France
  • Moscoso Melania, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Espagne
  • Probst Isabelle, Haute Ecole de santé de Vaud (HESAV), Switzerland
  • Rapegno Noémie, EHESP, France
  • Reaume Geoffrey, York University, Canada
  • Revillard Anne, Sciences Po, France
  • Sherlaw William, EHESP, France
  • Sopadzhiyan Alis, EHESP, France
  • Tabin Jean-Pierre, Ecole d’études sociales et pédagogiques de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Valdes Béatrice, EHESP, France
  • Van Trigt Paul, Leiden University, Netherlands
  • Ville Isabelle, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), France
  • Winance Myriam, Cermes3-Inserm, France
  • Wright Stephanie, University of Sheffield, United-Kingdom
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